Powerful AnyTouch Attribution: Optimize Your Marketing Spend

Identify Valuable Traffic Sources with Clear, Actionable Insights

Scoby Analytics offers a powerful and user-friendly solution called AnyTouch Attribution, setting itself apart from other platforms that often overwhelm users with complicated first, last, or multi-touch attribution models. Our system is designed to be intuitive and effective for businesses of all sizes, enabling you to identify which traffic sources and partners are delivering the most valuable traffic.

Scoby Analytics – Powerful AnyTouch Attribution

Streamlined Attribution for Effective Marketing

  • Direct Insight into Traffic Quality: Scoby Analytics provides clear, actionable insights into how effective each marketing channel or referral is in driving valuable traffic to your product. Our AnyTouch Attribution model allows you to easily measure the quality of traffic sources, helping you pinpoint the partners and channels that contribute most to your conversions.

  • 100% Coverage of Paid Entries and Conversions: Unlike other platforms that may only track a portion of your page views, Scoby Analytics captures 100% of your paid entries and conversions. This comprehensive tracking ensures that every aspect of your marketing spend is accurately accounted for, allowing for precise optimization and better decision-making.

  • No Synthetic Users or Modeled Conversions: We rely exclusively on direct measurements, ensuring that all insights are based on real user interactions. Unlike other tools that rely on synthetic users or modeled conversions due to consent restrictions, Scoby Analytics provides data-driven insights derived from genuine user activity.

Maximize Your Advertising Efficiency

With Scoby Analytics, optimizing your ad spend becomes a straightforward process. Our AnyTouch Attribution model gives you clear visibility into the performance and quality of each traffic source, helping you allocate your marketing budget more effectively.

Scoby Analytics is the tool you need to enhance your marketing strategies by providing transparent and comprehensive insights into multichannel attribution. Maximize your return on investment by identifying and focusing on the most valuable traffic sources. Contact us to learn how our solution can simplify your ROAS calculations and boost your overall marketing performance.